This component of the toolkit provides more in-depth educational sources of information on traumatic brain injury, its care and management, and its prevalence and impact in survivors of intimate partner violence.
Video Library
The videos were created by members of the ABI Research Lab in collaboration with survivors who shared their experiences to aid our understanding of the intersection of traumatic brain injury and intimate partner violence. These were made possible by the generous support of ABI Research Lab, the Canada Research Chairs Program, Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation, University of Toronto, and Wilfrid Laurier University.
Introduction to TBI in IPV
This video provides a brief introduction to the intersection of brain injury in IPV survivors, what impact it has, and why it is important to be aware of.
Introduction to TBI in IPV Signs & Symptoms of Brain Injury
What does a brain injury look like? How can you tell when you or someone you are working with might have a brain injury? This video explores common signs and symptoms.
Signs & Symptoms of Brain Injury Useful Tips for Supporting Survivors
There are many ways that support providers can adjust their services to better accommodate brain injured survivors. This video provides a brief introduction to some of them.
Useful Tips for Supporting Survivors Mental Health & Brain Injury
There is a complex relationship between brain injury and mental health, but understanding the connections and overlap is important for both survivors and frontline workers. This video explores those connections and overlap.
Mental Health & Brain Injury Snowball Effect
Many survivors have discussed their experiences as being like a snowball rolling downhill. This video talks about these experiences using the words of the survivors.
Snowball Effect